Jennie Altstadt

Jennie loves to help create a grace-filled window of time for women to experience the Holy Spirit and connect the dots of God’s working in their lives in ways they may not otherwise see. She received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction. A trained director in The Spiritual […]
Karen Bartlett

Through her years of ministry, Karen recognized a need to create space for people to hear God’s voice as they expressed doubts, concerns, or a longing for a deeper spiritual life. Her Master’s degree in social work and Master’s certificate in theology helps her understand spiritual formation and personal development as part of a holistic […]
Kathleen Bolduc

As a spiritual director, Kathleen seeks to create a safe space for believers to explore and deepen their relationship with the Living God. Contemplative prayer and Lectio Divina are her well-worn pathways to God, and she sprinkles these spiritual disciplines, as well as music and poetry, throughout her sessions. Kathy has a master’s degree in […]
Nancy Booth

Nancy’s passion is to walk with you as you notice God at work in your life. Are you hoping to develop a closer intimacy with Him? She loves creating safe spaces for you during spiritual direction to explore what’s on your mind and heart. As a spiritual companion (director) trained by Sustainable Faith and a […]
Karol Brecheisen

Karol first became interested in spiritual direction on a Walk to Emmaus weekend for the development of Christian leaders in 1985. Being blessed for many years to be on the receiving end of spiritual direction, Karol began to sense God’s invitation to become a spiritual director herself. She completed the 2-year certificate program for spiritual […]
Alice Brown-Collins

Dr. Brown-Collins received her certificate in Spiritual Direction through Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction and has a passion for being a companion with anyone who wishes to grow in Christ, learning how to hear and follow the Holy Spirit. Alice’s background in ministry is extensive – serving people in a university setting and in […]
Chandelle Claassen

Chandelle offers spiritual direction as a listening ministry where she protects and holds open space for people to explore interior movements and name feelings as they interact with God in a conversational relationship. She offers trauma responsive spiritual direction, having completed her M.Ed. in Neuroscience and Trauma from Tabor College. Her thesis research was on […]
Russ Claassen

Russ has thirty years of experience working with youth and families in local churches, at youth camps and youth conferences. He offers spiritual direction and contemplative practices to youth, youth pastors and leaders, and other individuals interested in slowing down and going deeper in a passionate relationship with Jesus. Russ is an energetic speaker and […]
Rachel Conner

Over the last 5 years Rachel has served The Sugar Land Vineyard as Executive Pastor while enjoying her great love of preaching and teaching. In 2012, she received her two-year certificate in Spiritual Direction from Sustainable Faith and upon completion has embarked on the journey of walking with others as they discern God’s movements in […]
Sarah Cook

Sarah is passionate about coming alongside others as they journey with Jesus, and making space for them to see God’s presence in their own lives, whether on the mountaintop or in the valley. Her desire is to create a safe atmosphere where others can slow down from the busy pace of life and have protected […]