Iggy’s Biggies
I invite you to join me as we take a journey into Iggy’s Biggies, contemplating twelve foundational truths found within the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
Here, you’ll find a dozen Ignatian take-aways, truths that when applied to your life, can become game-changers in your faith-walk with Jesus of Nazareth.
Take note that each blog/podcast session begins with a short scripture reading. My suggestion is that you don’t hurry through, or skip the text, but treat it as a Lectio Divina reading where you slow down and sit a bit with God’s Word, allowing it to penetrate and influence your soul as you read.
If you’ve never journeyed through the Exercises, might I suggest that you find a qualified spiritual director and ask them to accompany you along the way? Here at The Contemplative Activist, we can offer a good number of highly qualified folks to do just that.
But, even if you’ve never ventured into the themes of Ignatian spirituality, I’m hoping this blog/podcast series offers you an enjoyable overview of some of the foundational truths found within our Christian faith. Enjoy the ride!
Ignatian Truth #1: Ignatian spirituality is all about the Spiritual Exercise.
Every person’s journey with God is unique, so any spiritual discipline we enter into with the intention of opening ourselves up to God is good. Adaptability with creativity is needed as each person journeys alongside Jesus.
Ignatian Truth #2: Ignatian spirituality is all about God as our Creator.
2.1 So, Who Is This God We Are Responding To?
2.2 God, The Father, Maker of Heaven and Earth.
2.3 The Great I Am: Three-In-One.
Ignatian Truth #3: Ignatian spirituality is all about Finding God in All Things.
In God we live, we move, and we have our being. There is no separation between sacred and secular.
3.1 A God Who Is Over All, Through All, & In All.
3.2 God’s Here! God’s There! God’s Everywhere!
3.3 So, Where Is God?
Ignatian Truth #4: Ignatian spirituality is all about Jesus.
His life, His death, and His resurrection.
4.1 Jesus Of Nazareth: Who Do You Say I Am?
4.2 Jesus Of Nazareth: From Beginning To End.
4.3 Jesus Of Nazareth: This Is How Much God Loves.
Ignatian Truth #5: Ignatian spirituality is all about Freedom.
We are free to be our true selves, free to be all God has made us to be.
5.1 The Cost of True Freedom.
5.2 True Freedom In Christ.
5.3 Freedom Abounds in Christ.
Ignatian Truth #6: Ignatian spirituality is all about Conversational Prayer.
We are encouraged in the use of our God-given imagination – bringing together the right/left side of the brain. We walk with Jesus rather than just read about Him. We talk with God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as one converses with a friend.
6.1 The Ignatian Way: Lectio Divina.
6.2 The Ignatian Way: Contemplative Imagination.
6.3 The Ignatian Way: Conversational Prayer.
Ignatian Truth #7: Ignatian spirituality is all about Holistic Spirituality.
We intentionally focus on inward feelings, emotions, and desires, but we also live our lives in balance; tending to the body, the mind, and the spirit…our actions, our thoughts, and our feelings.
7.1 Tending To Our Sacred Body.
7.2 Tending To Our Sacred Mind.
7.3 Tending To Our Sacred Spirit.
Ignatian Truth #8: Ignatian spirituality is all about the Prayer of Examen.
Self-awareness is the key prayer practice of the Exercises and an important tool for becoming a discerning, grateful person. The Examen extends beyond the Exercises, helping us develop a healthy rhythm of life; morning, afternoon and evening.
8.1 The Examen: An Attitude of Gratitude.
8.2 The Examen: A God-Breathed Self-Awareness.
8.3 The Examen: An Attitude of Hope.
Ignatian Truth #9: Ignatian spirituality is all about Consolation vs. Desolation.
God-awareness is all about anything, internal or external, that takes us toward God (consolation) vs. anything, internal or external, that takes us away from God (desolation).
9.1 Consolation vs. Desolation. Light vs. Dark.
9.2 Consolation vs. Desolation. Now What?
9.3 Consolation vs. Desolation. Keep Walking!
Ignatian Truth #10: Ignatian spirituality is all about Holy Indifference.
Freedom from disordered attachments empowers us to say yes to God, living more fully into the person God has created us to be. The glory of God is a person fully alive (St Irenaeus). Resistance to indifference is not to be ignored but can serve as a doorway to the Divine and to self-discovery.
10.1 Holy Indifference: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.
10.2 Holy Indifference: Hope Built On Nothing Less.
10.3 Holy Indifference: Mary’s Welcoming Prayer.
Ignatian Truth #11: Ignatian spirituality is all about Rules of Discernment.
A discerning person is always looking for an inner awareness of the movement of the Spirit, asking the question, “Am I being driven or drawn?” Ignatius’ analogy of a drop of water hitting a sponge (consolation) or a rock (desolation) is helpful, and a discerning person knows to keep discerning even after a decision is made, and not to change a decision made in a season of consolation when found in a time of desolation.
11.1 Discernment: Growing Up Before We Grow Old.
11.2 Discernment: Lady Wisdom & Madame Insight.
11.3 Discernment: Simple & Straightforward.
Ignatian Truth #12: Ignatian spirituality is all about living our lives for the Greater Glory of God (AMDG).
We’re contemplatives-in-action; Christ-followers set apart for the glory of God and the service of others. Our mission, as we grow ever closer to Jesus, will mean that the road is our home.