Our Spiritual Directors Network

 Introducing you to our growing network of well-trained, Christ-centered spiritual companions (directors) who will come alongside you, encouraging you as we, together, continue our shared journey with Jesus.

Phoenix, Arizona

Jennie loves to help create a grace-filled window of time for women to experience the Holy Spirit and connect the dots of God’s working in their lives in ways they may not otherwise see. She received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction. A trained director in The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius, Jennie is a member of ESDA and is available for direction via in-person, Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype.

Wichita, Kansas

Through her years of ministry, Karen recognized a need to create space for people to hear God’s voice as they expressed doubts, concerns, or a longing for a deeper spiritual life. Her Master’s degree in social work and Master’s certificate in theology helps her understand spiritual formation and personal development as part of a holistic approach to faith and life. Karen completed her Masters of Education in Neuroscience and Trauma to help her work as a spiritual director for those who are exploring issues of faith in the wake of trauma. Karen received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction and is a trained director in The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius.

Oxford, Ohio

As a spiritual director, Kathleen seeks to create a safe space for believers to explore and deepen their relationship with the Living God. Contemplative prayer and Lectio Divina are her well-worn pathways to God, and she sprinkles these spiritual disciplines, as well as music and poetry, throughout her sessions. Kathy has a master’s degree in Religious Studies, and a certificate in Spiritual Direction through Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction. Her journey with her adult son’s autism has been the inspiration behind her writing and speaking ministry, and walking with other parents on the special needs journey gives her great joy. She is also well-versed in Christian Meditation, The Enneagram, and family systems. She is available to meet in person, via phone, Skype, or Zoom. She and her husband are the owners of a retreat center – Cloudland in Oxford, Ohio.

Madison, Wisconsin

Nancy’s passion is to walk with you as you notice God at work in your life. Are you hoping to develop a closer intimacy with Him? She loves creating safe spaces for you during spiritual direction to explore what’s on your mind and heart. As a spiritual companion (director) trained by Sustainable Faith and a member of ESDA, she supports your desire for that deeper relationship with God, including exploring the hard questions. As a published author with a book on contemplative prayer practices, she also has training in the Enneagram. She looks forward to meeting with you in person, on FaceTime, or by Zoom. When not meeting with people, she loves reading, writing, and spending time with family, her husband of almost 50 years, grown children, and the four grands who bring much joy. She looks forward to walking with you in hearing and developing the intimacy you desire with God.

Olathe, Kansas

Karol first became interested in spiritual direction on a Walk to Emmaus weekend for the development of Christian leaders in 1985. Being blessed for many years to be on the receiving end of spiritual direction, Karol began to sense God’s invitation to become a spiritual director herself. She completed the 2-year certificate program for spiritual direction with Sustainable Faith. While serving in pastoral ministry for over 20 years, Karol’s emphasis was helping the church to be a house of prayer and helping individuals to develop a more intimate relationship with the Lord. As a re-fired retired pastor, Karol is enjoying the opportunity to journey with others who want to go deeper in their faith. She is available to meet in person, on Zoom or FaceTime.

Holliston, Massachusetts

Dr. Brown-Collins received her certificate in Spiritual Direction through Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction and has a passion for being a companion with anyone who wishes to grow in Christ, learning how to hear and follow the Holy Spirit. Alice’s background in ministry is extensive – serving people in a university setting and in a congregational setting; from college students to women and children. A person of prayer, Alice is particularly interested in coming alongside those who are interested in reconciliation and ethnicity. She is available to meet in person, via phone, Facetime, or Zoom.

North Newton, Kansas

Chandelle offers spiritual direction as a listening ministry where she protects and holds open space for people to explore interior movements and name feelings as they interact with God in a conversational relationship. She offers trauma responsive spiritual direction, having completed her M.Ed. in Neuroscience and Trauma from Tabor College. Her thesis research was on cancer trauma and the need for holistic treatment plans that address anxiety and soul care for the journey. She is also a certified life coach, working with individuals in the areas of leadership and soul care. Chandelle is available for supervision, retreats and speaking on spiritual formation and soul care rhythms. She received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction and additional supervision training from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, and is a trained director in The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius. Available to meet in person, online, or over the phone.

North Newton, Kansas

Russ has thirty years of experience working with youth and families in local churches, at youth camps and youth conferences. He offers spiritual direction and contemplative practices to youth, youth pastors and leaders, and other individuals interested in slowing down and going deeper in a passionate relationship with Jesus. Russ is an energetic speaker and a compassionate listener and offers true presence with those he accompanies along life’s path. He received his two-year certificate in spiritual direction training from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction. Available to meet in person, online, or over the phone.

Missouri City, Texas

Over the last 5 years Rachel has served The Sugar Land Vineyard as Executive Pastor while enjoying her great love of preaching and teaching. In 2012, she received her two-year certificate in Spiritual Direction from Sustainable Faith and upon completion has embarked on the journey of walking with others as they discern God’s movements in their lives. Rachel’s grandmother was a mid-wife so she had a personal mentor into what it means to “wait” with others for God to birth his desires in their innermost being. Rachel is a very natural encourager, so it is not uncommon to observe her loving others as they share their stories. As she has continued to train through the Ignatian Exercises, it seems like a natural progression to commit more of her time to sitting with others on the journey of spiritual formation. Rachel prefers Zoom or FaceTime but can also do in-person sessions with those in the Houston area.

Kansas City, Kansas

Sarah is passionate about coming alongside others as they journey with Jesus, and making space for them to see God’s presence in their own lives, whether on the mountaintop or in the valley. Her desire is to create a safe atmosphere where others can slow down from the busy pace of life and have protected time to be present to the Lord. Sarah is a graduate of Vineyard Leadership Institute and has a B.A. in Art History. She received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction. A trained director in The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius, Sarah is a member of ESDA and is available for direction via Skype, Zoom, or Face-Time.

Ames, Iowa

Carrie has a passion to help people live a life that is better than busy! She is passionate about coming alongside you as a listening companion, and to help you notice God’s presence and activity in your life. She is a certified life coach, speaker, and published author and is available for women’s retreats. She received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction. She is a member of ESDA and is available for direction via in-person, Zoom or Facetime.

Maryville, Tennessee

Dan is a former pastor and retired military officer and believes the depth of one’s inner life and relationship with God determines the quality of their life and ministry with others. He counts it a privilege to work with pastors, leaders, and other followers of Jesus who desire to “go deeper.” Dan received his two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, and is available for spiritual direction in-person or through video conferencing.

Fort Dodge, Iowa

Maggie is a pastor and church planter who is learning to walk out trusting Jesus in all things. Her heart and desire is to help hold space for people so that they can experience the powerful presence of God and notice His movement in their life. Maggie received her two year certificate from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction and is available to meet in-person, Zoom or Facetime

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Sheri has accompanied people on the journey in life in the capacity of professional ministry for over forty years. Through her ministry and her own personal call and walk in life, she has come to “know” that it is in the “practicing” of God’s presence that transformation happens. Sheri’s offering of Spiritual Direction comes from a deep place of peace and inviting others into a safe space to discover for themselves their inner resources and the unique and unconditional love of God that will help them be free to fulfill a sense of meaning and purpose in their ordinary and everyday life. Sheri comes from a deep sense of valuing Celtic Spirituality and its’ invitation into the ordinary and sacred. She has completed the 2-Year Academy for Spiritual Formation, the 3-year Spiritual Direction Program at the Franciscan Spirituality Center in LaCrosse, WI. She is a trained director in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius and values the work of persons through the Enneagram and the Rhythm and Motions of the Soul. Sheri is available via in person, Face Time, and Zoom.

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Bill, a veteran of 42 years of pastoral ministry, has embraced his passion for ministry working alongside persons who seek through spiritual practices to open up to the God who has always been present in their lives. Bill integrates practices from his Native American and Celtic spiritual heritages to help seekers to slow down and attend to the slow work of God within them. Bill received his two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction and is a trained director in The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius.

Nampa, Idaho

Jeff has 15 years of experience in pastoral service and ten years of experience in private practice counseling. He now works full time in Christian higher education as a Counselor Educator. He is passionate about journeying with people as they explore the life of prayer and learn to listen and respond to God, who desires a relationship with them. Jeff is available to provide one-on-one and group spiritual direction, and received his two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, and is available for direction via in-person and Zoom.

Parkton, Maryland

With a heart for Jesus, prayer practices, and bible study, Suzanne desires to sit alongside fellow sojourners and explore God’s presence and promises in their stories. Suzanne has been actively participating, and facilitating, bible studies since 1999. She has experienced the school of “hard knocks” and has faith that Jesus can redeem the most unfathomable hardships more beautifully than our imaginations can ponder. Suzanne’s main gifts to offer are love, listening and discernment. She has completed her spiritual direction studies through Sustainable Faith and she is a member of ESDA.

Wichita, Kansas

Jacqueline has served in ministry alongside her husband of 33 years, Tarrance C. Floyd-Pastor since 2002, while working in their family construction business for over 26 years. Jacqueline’s personal experience with a dark night of the soul sent her on a journey seeking more. She awakened to her need for a deeper relationship with Jesus through spiritual direction. Helping others to become more aware of God’s presence and action within through the ministry of companionship and listening is her joy and delight. She is welcoming, compassionate, and accountable. She offers a safe, quiet space, time, and active listening to those who need to be heard and are seeking deeper relationship with Jesus. Jacqueline is a teacher, retreat leader, conference speaker and trained spiritual director. She received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction. Currently she is engaged in a third-year cohort of post graduate work in spiritual direction with Sustainable Faith. She is available in person at Whispering Meadows Retreat in Wichita, Kansas, online via Zoom, or by phone. For more detailed information about our service offerings please visit us at our website or check out Amazon to purchase your copy of her “Be Still”
guided spiritual journal.

Quincy, Illinois

Holly is a follower of Jesus and is passionate about creating spaces for compassionate listening and connecting with God. Holly received her two-year certificate in Spiritual Direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction and is a member of ESDA. She has served in a variety of ministry positions over the past 30 years and currently her heart is drawn to Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Formation, Soul Care and Retreats. She is available for Spiritual Direction and retreat planning and speaking. In her free time Holly loves to spend time with family and friends, travel, walk and drink hot chocolate, and is available for direction via in-person, Zoom or FaceTime.

Wichita, Kansas

Lesa loves to support others who desire a more intimate relationship with God in the context of their everyday lives. It is a great privilege for her to listen attentively to individuals who are looking for the way forward on their spiritual path, and to help them become more aware of Christ’s loving invitations, especially as grounded in scripture. Lesa worked on the staff of a church for twenty years and understands the need of church staff and other caregivers to have a safe person with which to process their own lives without judgment. She received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, is a member of ESDA, and is available for direction via in-person, Face-Time, ZOOM or phone.

Memphis, Tennessee

Jacky currently serves in pastoral ministry and knows it is a privilege to companion with others as their eyes become wide open to the mercies of God. She trusts God’s active presence to shape souls from within in order to live fully into God’s intentions and purposes. Her passion for spiritual direction comes from having received direction for more than ten years. She has a D. Min in Spiritual Formation for Ministry Leaders and received the two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith. Jacky is drawn to being with women in ministry and those in professional and personal transitions. The transformational work of grief is a highlight of her practice. She is available for direction in-person and on zoom and companions with both individuals and groups.Jacky is available via in-person or Zoom.

Memphis, Tennessee

Mike met Jesus in 1972 as a high school senior during the Jesus Movement. Soon thereafter a call to ministry led to time at Princeton Seminary and a Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Seminary. He has worked in youth ministry for 15 years in both Young Life and church ministries, then 15 years in adult ministries, and now for the last 10 years as a nursing home chaplain. Mike was ordained in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in 1997, and currently leads a ministry of planting churches in the under-served nursing homes in Memphis, TN. Mike received his two-year certificate from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction in 2023. and loves helping men know Jesus more intimately. On-line or in-person.

Augusta, Georgia

A contemplative at heart, Patrice is a storyteller, speaker, and spiritual director (Ignatian tradition). She is focused on where God’s story meets our story, seeking to inspire humans to experience Christ’s love, grace, and mercy as bold, balanced, beautiful creations of God. Her folks may be broken but not bitter, bitter but getting better, better but hurting, hurting but not hopeless, hopeless but still hopeful, and want to meet God at the well. Patrice trained at the Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, and is available via Zoom, telephone, and in person. She also hosts group retreats throughout the year.

Lower Mid-Michigan

Karen has a considerable amount of experience with leading and attending silent retreats. She welcomes and embraces listening to people talk about their journey with Jesus offering Christ-centered Spiritual Direction. She gives space for others to share, leaning into their stories, comforting them in the places that they find themselves in. She enjoys doing a multitude of things not limited to but including studying the Word of God and teaching, family time, connecting with friends, reading, nature, camping, gardening, hiking, laughing, learning, arts and crafts of all kinds, coffee, being active, and practicing thankfulness with contentment. Karen received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction and is available in person, Microsoft Teams, and telephone.

Kansas City, Missouri

Jennie is a great lover of art, baseball and a beach bum who is happily ensconced in the middle of the middle of the US.   Days at the Art Institute of Chicago, Wrigley Field or Kauffman Stadium, or experiencing God’s glory on a beach or in the middle of the ocean are her Heaven on this side of Heaven.  She spent 18 years as a single mom and knows the struggle. She is now happily married and knows what it is like to find the guy God truly meant for her at the age of 50. Jennie uses contemplative prayer, the art of the enneagram and time truly with God to help bring her directees closer to God. She is available via zoom, MS Teams, in person, FaceTime and telephone.

Ames, Iowa

Laurie’s life’s passion…Christian spiritual growth in a context of a down-to-earth conversation and listening which is grounded in the Bible and in the realities of life as it is. She loves to listen, accompanying others as they explore the possibility of God’s present work in their lives. Laurie has a certificate in Spiritual Formation with Ruth Haley Barton and received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction. A trained director in The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius, Laurie is available for direction via in-person or Skype.

Harare, Zimbabwe

Nozi is a counselor in Harare, Zimbabwe, and decided to embark on training as a spiritual director, receiving her two-year certificate from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction in 2023. She loves to accompany people on the faith adventure that God has for them, whether on the hills or in the valleys, and endeavors to be both hospitable and a safe place for people as God writes their story. Nozi is available for direction via in-person, Face-Time or ZOOM.

Jefferson City, Missouri

Robin is beloved by God, a woman, a wife, a momma, a daughter, and a poet. She believes each of us are shaped epigenetically, in utero, before we can walk, and every moment after, but we are not helpless or hopeless because of others’ stories or our own. Regeneration of our minds, souls, and bodies is possible because there is a bigger narrative going on and it is held in the hands of a God she has come to know, serve, and now deeply love. Robin received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction and is available for direction via Zoom, and in-person if you’re able to come to Jefferson City, MO!

Thomasville, North Carolina

Jen Kloss is a creative communicator, Spiritual Director, retreat leader and soul care provider. She received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, and is the founder of JourneyingTogether: Soul Care for Women, a collaborative group offering resources and opportunities for churches and individuals to s-l-o-w down and engage with God and one another. Based in Thomasville, NC, Jen offers Spiritual Direction in person at St. Francis Springs Prayer Center and remotely via Zoom, phone or FaceTime.

Cincinnati, Ohio

Pam is graduate of Sustainable Faith’s School of Spiritual Direction and a member of ESDA. She offers a welcoming space for connection with God and the transformation that occurs in that loving presence. Pamela is a certified naturalist and by request offers the observation of nature as one of many reflective tools in soul care through her spiritual direction. Similarly, as the founder of Presence Ministries, Pam leads contemplative nature retreats for those seeking the presence of God in his creation. “He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters.“ Psalm 23:2 is a favorite scripture for Pam and she sees it as an invitation from God into His presence. It is her sincere desire to help you step into the quiet waters of God’s love, and would be honored to be your soul care companion through spiritual direction. Pamela is available for direction via in-person, Zoom, or telephone.

Chicago, Illinois

Emily is a creative and social person who simultaneously celebrates simplicity and solitude. She has walked with Jesus her whole life but saw exponential growth in her ability to recognize God’s ways of communicating with her when she began seeing a spiritual director in 2019. She is passionate about supporting those who have experienced spiritual abuse and creating space for those who do not feel safe engaging their faith in traditional structures. Being present is one of her favorite things and she prioritizes clear moments to practice presentness to yourself and to God during her sessions. She received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, and is available via Google Meet, Zoom, phone or in person in Chicago.

Rancho Santa Margarita, California

David was a pastor in the Vineyard movement for more than 30 years. He is currently a missionary with the international missions organization Novo.org David is called to assist pastors/leaders in their growth and intimacy with Jesus. David is passionate about loving Christ and finds his greatest joy in helping those he ministers to come into a dynamic, intimate relationship and love with Jesus. David has a B.A. in Religious Studies from the University of La Verne, and an M.A. in ministry from Hope international University. Dave received his two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction and is available in person, online via Zoom or FaceTime or telephone.

Brighton, Michigan

Stacey marvels at the path God has cleared for her to find His nearness. During some stormy years of pain and loss, her faith was reshaped to discover the presence of Jesus through the practice of Lament. The freedom explored in this ancient spiritual practice led her to write a lament booklet to encourage others. Through her dependence on the Holy Spirit, Stacey finds deep listening to other’s stories a means to dusting for the fingerprints of God. Currently, in her local Church, she leads small groups through a grief support ministry which she co-created. Coming alongside those struggling with loss of any type stirs Stacey to show the same mercy, grace, and compassion she received. She has completed her Spiritual Direction certificate through Sustainable Faith and is available for both individual and group direction via in-person or zoom.

Lakeville, Minnesota

Bridget is drawn to journey with those who desire to live deeply into the heart of God. In this space, the Holy Spirit awakens us to the Father’s love and delight. We find ourselves keeping company with Jesus, discovering His rhythms of grace, and noticing His movements in our days. Bridget has completed Spiritual Direction formation with Sustainable Faith and continues post-graduate study. She is a member of Grafted Life Ministries and Spiritual Directors International. She was a young widow but has now been married to her husband, Jim, for 30 years; they have two children, ages 12 and 18, and an elderly (but very good) dog. In her free time you’ll find her with a book of some kind, and outside only in excellent weather. She is available for direction via in-person, Zoom, or FaceTime.

West Chicago, Illinois

Jim worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators as a translator and administrator for 33 years before focusing his time on spiritual direction. After seeing a spiritual director regularly, he began experiencing a deepening sense of God’s loving presence in times of sitting alone with God in silence. In time began getting feedback from those around him that this experience of Love was beginning to impact his relationships, especially those nearest to him. Jim is especially interested in listening to the stories of those who are beginning to get in touch with their desire to know God’s Love. He believes that the Spirit is working in all of us to experience this “knowing beyond knowledge” and that spiritual direction can facilitate this awakening. Jim received his two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, and is available for direction in-person or online.

Swindon, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Prayer has been important to Dave throughout his life. He has extensive experience helping individuals and teams collaborate better and deliver IT projects. Dave also loves to walk with people and provide a safe atmosphere, gently helping them explore their thoughts and hearts and notice Father God, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit’s activity in their lives. He uses practices like Lectio Divina, Examen, and Imaginative Prayer to facilitate a deeper experience with God through His Word. Dave received his two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction and is available for in-person and online meetings.

Ontario, Canada

Wayne and Sabrina are seasoned trainers with the Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction as well as offering Supervision for Spiritual Directors. They are passionate in offering one-on-one spiritual direction with folks who are seeking Spiritual Growth in their lives. Wayne & Sabrina received their training in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction in 2009. All of their training cohorts are online via Zoom making it translocal and accessible to anyone. This is a rich and robust experience as this on-line format allows people from all over the globe to come together as a cohort to receive training in Spiritual Direction. To connect with Wayne or Sabrina, visit their website and they will begin to explore with you how they might serve you.

Rick McDaniel
Indianapolis, Indiana
Rick is a spiritual director who helps leaders in ministry who are struggling with burnout and second-guessing if they should remain in ministry. With no one to talk to about these issues, they often feel stuck and unable to grow. Rick helps leaders discern what God is doing in their life and relationships today, so they can move forward. After over 30 years in ministry, Rick knows how tough it can be to try and make sense of all the challenges on your own. So, he has now spent the past six years helping people find meaning in their life and work again. Rick’s Sessions Are Contemplative –  guiding his clients in slowing down and becoming more non-anxious and non-reactive. Rick Helps You Make Self-Discoveries – helping you get on a path of self-discovery, asking the tough questions that lead to new possibilities and ideas. Rick Takes His Role As A Privilege – counting it an honor to be a spiritual director to his clients, not taking the responsibility of it lightly, and checking in with you along the way to make sure you are getting the most out of your sessions. The best way to understand spiritual direction is to experience it. Visit his website to schedule your no-cost introductory session.
Brick, New Jersey

Bill brings over 35 years of ministry experience, having served as a church planter, lead pastor, and chaplain to pastors. Currently, he is a pastor of Spiritual Care. Bill supports church leaders, pastors, questioning individuals, those in life transitions, parents of prodigals, bereaved persons, and those facing life-limiting challenges. He offers a safe space to explore spiritual questions and struggles with a compassionate and attentive approach. Bill studied music for his undergraduate degree, holds an M.Div and a Doctor of Ministry, and is ordained in the Christian and Missionary Alliance. He received his spiritual direction certificate from Sustainable Faith School and is available for in-person or online direction.

Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Mary Lynn’s life has been enriched by receiving Spiritual Direction and being a spiritual companion (director) to others on their personal journey. This simple practice of making space for God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) to be present in our everyday lives, to listen and co-discern where He is moving or inviting us to grow is truly sacred ground. Mary Lynn received a two-year certificate of Spiritual Direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, and her passion is to see others experience God in practical ways in daily circumstances and all seasons of life. She also enjoys a simpler lifestyle, friends and family (especially as mom and nana), reading, swimming, learning to play the piano, and getting lost in music. Mary Lynn meets with people in-person, Zoom, or telephone.

St. Charles, Missouri

Tiffany offers Christ-centered Spiritual Direction in a contemplative style. Her desire is to walk alongside directees as we listen and experience the Holy Spirit together and explore the spiritual pathways of life. She utilizes a variety of Spiritual Practices like Lectio Divina, Visio Divina, Examen and Imaginative Prayer using the Gospels to facilitate a deeper experience with God through His Word. She received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, and has been through the Spiritual Exercises, and is very familiar with the Enneagram. Tiffany offers direction in person, or remotely via Zoom, and phone.

Ames, Iowa

Melanie has always been a nurturer: of plants, animals, children, and friends. She received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction and is also trained as an Ultimate Journey facilitator. She has earned several certificates in Biblical counseling through CCEF (Westminster Theological Seminary) and is familiar with using the Enneagram to understand our unique reflection of the image of God in a broken world. Melanie loves to enter into a sacred space and time with spiritual companions to discern God’s invitation connect with Him through meditation and Lectio Divina. She is available for direction via in-person, Google Meet, & telephone.

Monroe, North Carolina

With over 30 years of pastoral ministry, Tim finds deep joy in soul companioning people to experience and trust in the slow work of God in their lives. To pay attention to the ways in which they are experiencing being God’s beloved. He loves creating space for people to pay attention to the whispers and work of the Spirit. Tim loves leading retreats, working with teams as well as helping people find and live in their truest selves. Tim is a trained Spiritual Director, Certified Enneagram Trainer through Jerry Wagner and IMOS-integrating Ignatian practice with the Enneagram through Claire Loughridge and certified Enneagram Coach. Tim received his two-year certificate in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction. He currently trains new Spiritual Directors through SF and also has led the School of Contemplative Life. He loves and delights in his wife Christy, and his daughters Briana and Alyssa. He specializes in Soul Care and formation, Spiritual Rhythms, Spiritual Direction, Discernment, Enneagram Coaching, and Encouraging younger pastors and leaders.

St. Paul, Minnesota

After nearly 30 years as a congregational pastor, Judith’s calling now is to come alongside pastors and ministry leaders to help them thrive in ministry. Too often in ministry we care for everyone else’s soul and neglect our own. Judith has been a spiritual director with certification for 20 years. As a member of ESDA, she also has training in Ignatian spirituality, Enneagram, MBTI, and prayer. She loves helping ministry folks hear again Jesus’ words, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” Judith meets with people in-person, Zoom, FaceTime or Skype.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Do you long for a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with God? Do you desire to hear His voice and receive direction for your life? Do you need to see yourself more clearly through His eyes so that you can live and minister from a place of wholeness and confidence? Melissa’s passion is helping women find all of the above. Through her gentle and compassionate ministry of listening in the presence of Jesus, you will find a safe and confidential space for you to come away and process God’s work in your life. Melissa has served as missionary in Africa, in hospitals, in prisons, and with the orphaned and abandoned. She knows what it is like to be broken in ministry and to walk through dark valleys with Jesus by her side. Melissa is a writer/communicator and blogs at her website, Finding the Beloved. She is trained as a spiritual director through Sustainable Faith and is a member of the ESDA. She is available to meet via Zoom, Skype, or in-person, and can offer sessions in Spanish upon request.

Dayton, Ohio

Cathey’s great joy in life is being a wife, mom and grandma. She has been a Pastoral Counselor for over 25 years, walking with folks who are hurting. Recently, she received a two year certificate in Spiritual Direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction as well as a certification as an Enneagram practitioner from i@Enneagram Motions of the Soul. Drawing on her studies in Creative Design and Art journaling, Cathey offers Creative Lectio Divina using various art supplies. Her desire is to propose Spiritual Direction in a way that uniquely resonates with you and to hold space with you as you discern God’s presence. She is also available as a Soul Care retreat speaker. Cathey offers Spiritual Direction in-person or virtually using Zoom, FaceTime or telephone.

Overland Park, Kansas

Barb’s desire is to hear your story as you share it, to help you identify the obvious and not so obvious workings of God in your life, to hold a space open where you can spend unhurried time in His presence; to stand with you in celebration, to sit with you in loss, to journey with you as you find your way to the heart of God’s love for you. Barb received her two-year certificate in spiritual direction from the Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, has completed training to journey with you through the Ignatian Exercises and is a member of the Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association. She is also a trained leader of Life With God which is a core discipleship program with Grafted Life. If you are interested in going deeper in your relationship with God, this 6 semester course is definitely worth looking into! Barb loves to connect with God through nature especially hearing God’s voice in the songs of the birds that are native to Missouri. She is available to meet with you in person or online. You may also contact her for information about Life With God on-line classes.

Corvallis, Oregon

Carol loves companioning people in every stage of their journey with Jesus; helping them to find God in the events of their everyday lives. She is especially passionate about helping others to find God’s unforced rhythms of grace because of her own experience of burnout in full-time ministry. Also, with her background in nutrition (B.S.) and fitness (Certified Personal Trainer and Pilates Instructor), she loves helping people in the care of their bodies as well as their souls. Carol has a certificate in Spiritual Direction through Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, is trained to journey with others through the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius, certified in typing and transformation through Enneagram Portland and the Enneagram Institute, and is an ©MOS iEnneagram Educator/Practitioner, and a Certified Mental Health Coach (Light University). She also is trained and certified to supervise spiritual directors both one-on-one and in small groups, and is available to meet in person, via phone, Skype, or Zoom.

Fairmont, West Virginia

Megan is passionate about listening to you and inviting you into a space where you can listen to yourself and listen to God in the presence of another. She holds a certificate in Spiritual Direction through Sustainable Faith and is a member of ESDA. As a Spiritual Director she offers a safe place for all to explore their relationship with God. While she operates from within a Christian perspective, she is eager to meet with any who are seeking God’s presence. She is available via In-person, Online, or Telephone.

Marty and Sandy - Contemplative Activism

Meet Marty & Sandy Boller

Recovering 3-B pastors on our way to becoming Christ-centered 3-C contemplative activists.